Signs and Symptoms of Common Senior Health Issues

Learn about common signs & symptoms of senior health issues & how to improve quality of life for seniors living with chronic illness.

Signs and Symptoms of Common Senior Health Issues

Many age-related changes are common in seniors, such as a mild decrease in vision and hearing, high blood pressure, muscle weakness, or a weakened immune system.

Health care recommendations

for older people include getting a flu shot every year and, if your doctor recommends it, getting vaccinated against pneumonia to prevent these infections and their potentially fatal complications. Proper oral health care, including regular dental checkups, should also be a priority for seniors as their mouths tend to dry out and cavities are more difficult to prevent. In addition to treatment with medication and therapy, other ways to improve the lives of older people can be to increase physical activity.

According to the Federal Interagency Forum on Statistics Related to Aging, 59.4 percent of adults aged 65 and over don't meet the CDC's recommendations to exercise or interact socially, plus older people say they spend only 8 to 11 percent of their free time with family and friends. You can't always prevent cancer, but you can improve your quality of life as an older person living with cancer, even during treatment, if you work with your medical team and stick to their recommendations for healthy living for seniors. Chronic respiratory disease increases older people's health risks, making them more vulnerable to pneumonia and other infections. However, getting lung function tests and taking the right medication or using oxygen as directed will go a long way to preserving the health and quality of life of seniors.

Substance and alcohol abuse is also a source of concern for the health of older people because of potential interactions with prescription drugs, their impact on overall health, and the increased health risks of seniors such as falls associated with poisoning. Including a geriatrician, a doctor who specializes in health problems related to aging, on your senior healthcare team can help you learn how to live better with any chronic illness.

Nicolás Dobratz
Nicolás Dobratz

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